3/07 - A Rubric for TVET STEPS

2 min read

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Our main aim with the STEPS is actually to evaluate selected nations and see how their TVET Learning Experience is stacked up. Hence, in in attempting to do so, we need to create an evaluative tool to enable us to proceed. Maya has designed a tailored tool specifically for assessing nations based on the TVET STEPS (SkillsFirst, SkillsFusion, SkillsForward, SkillsAdapt). This rubric evaluates how effectively each country implements its TVET strategy across these stages:

This rubric allows for a detailed and structured evaluation of how nations implement their TVET strategies, ensuring that each stage is assessed based on its development and integration with industry requirements, focus on innovation, and support for lifelong learning.

Important: Maya also likes to stress that, The TVET STEPS and TVET STEPS Rubrics frameworks provide structured and comprehensive methods for evaluating and enhancing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) across nations. While they offer clear guidelines and emphasize crucial aspects such as industry alignment and innovation, their effectiveness may vary due to cultural, economic, and resource disparities among countries. These tools should be adapted to local contexts and used alongside qualitative assessments and feedback mechanisms to ensure relevance and effectiveness in diverse global settings.


All evaluations conducted by TVET360 are for educational purposes only. Although these evaluations are valid and based on reliable sources, they are not intended to degrade, belittle, or criticize any country. We respect the unique strengths, cultures, and challenges of each nation. For the most accurate and personalized information, individuals should consult local experts, official sources, and consider the specific context of their situation.

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