3/00 - Chapter 3

2 min read

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This chapter looks at TVET from a core perspective: The Learning Package.

Learning Package deals with the types of study episodes, that TVET Students have to undergo to complete the programme. There is more than one definition of TVET Learning Experience. Surprisingly it’s not the ubiquitous understanding, “TVET is Hands-On”, but, there are several more.

In order to be fully engaged and understand todays TVET scenario, we will be using a framework/a continuum, Maya and I, developed called The TVET STEPS (The STEPS of TVET).

Firstly, let us explore the meaning of The TVET STEPS and its structure. We will examine its components along a continuum and their interrelationships. Then, we will use this framework to analyse how countries known as "Champions" are implementing their TVET approaches. (Read Post 1/11 The TVET Champions). Hopefully, by then we can learn how and why it is their TVET is strategized as such.


Three Questions

Based on the readings of this chapter. These are important questions to prompt critical thinking among policymakers, politicians, and TVET strategists as they plan their local TVET initiatives:

  1. Integration of STEPS: How can your TVET programs integrate the STEPS (SkillsFirst, SkillsFusion, SkillsForward, SkillsAdapt) to provide a seamless learning experience that caters to varying needs from foundational skills to advanced innovation and adaptability in your region?

  2. Resource Allocation: Considering the resource intensity of effectively implementing the TVET STEPS, how will you ensure adequate funding, infrastructure, and educator training to support each stage of the learning continuum?

  3. Cultural and Economic Contexts: How will you adapt the TVET STEPS framework to fit the unique cultural, economic, and educational contexts of your region to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach and ensure relevance and efficacy?

Thank you for your time ❤️


All evaluations conducted by TVET360 are for educational purposes only. Although these evaluations are valid and based on reliable sources, they are not intended to degrade, belittle, or criticize any country. We respect the unique strengths, cultures, and challenges of each nation. For the most accurate and personalized information, individuals should consult local experts, official sources, and consider the specific context of their situation.