3/13 - TVET STEPS across the World
1 min read

**High : Having mostly a Strong/Very Strong indication across all four continuum point in the TVET STEPS Rubric.
IMPORTANT: The table presents an informed overview, grounded in typical characteristics observed in each country's TVET systems, reflecting their developmental stage, industry integration, and innovation in vocational training.
While some assumptions in the analysis may be generalized, the results are based on credible insights into the respective TVET landscapes. For a more detailed and precise evaluation, additional specific data and insights regarding the current performance of each country’s TVET system would enhance the accuracy and depth of the analysis.
All evaluations conducted by TVET360 are for educational purposes only. Although these evaluations are valid and based on reliable sources, they are not intended to degrade, belittle, or criticize any country. We respect the unique strengths, cultures, and challenges of each nation. For the most accurate and personalized information, individuals should consult local experts, official sources, and consider the specific context of their situation.
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